Sunday, 19 April 2009

Lamb BBQ

Errgh..another 2 days of holidays left. Bercintanya nak masuk lab balik Monday ni. Keje bukan main banyak lagi menunggu. Got to present to the whole institute again in 6 months time and be assessed. Yikes! Thinking about it makes me feel so miserable. The agony of going into the viva again and get fired by the professors. Urgh.. Sapa soh buat PhD kan? Nasib la....

Tak pelah, in every dark cloud there must be a silver lining right? Anyhow masak tetap kena masak. Breakfast today nasi goreng daging. Weekend lunch or dinner is usually a family dinner awaited by everybody. Today Mama cooked lamb BBQ with black pepper sauce. Had forgotten to marinade the lamb last nite, so it turn out a bit tough but still tasty though.

After marinating the lamb, open up Mama's saloon. Cut Aiman's hair after googling up you tube on 'how to cut man's hair'. The video was very helpful.

Aiman, before the haircut.
The barber in action.

Jeng jeng jeng, after the haircut, cam tak de beza jer..
This the lamb BBQ recipe. First make the black pepper sauce.
3 cloves of garlic
1 tsp fine black pepper
1 tsp coarse black pepper
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp plum sauce (optional)
1 tsp paprika (can add more for better colour and spicier flavour)
beef stock
3 tbs oyster sauce
1 tbs cornflour
1. Fry garlic till yellow and add beef stock. Add paprika, oyster sauce, black pepper, rosemary, mustard (add little by little and taste, as it is quite sour).
2. Add cornflour and boil for a few minutes. Done
Use half of this black pepper sauce to marinade the lamb. The remaining half is used as the sauce when serving.
Mama's lamb BBQ..emm yummy....last feast before starting on low carb diet with Aiman next week.
Everbody enjoying the lamb, Madeehah, missing in action.

The black pepper sauce on the stove still.

Nasi goreng daging for breakfast.


  1. ombohh....make sedap sokmo.....nok ghetek...
    Mar pun kata..banyok pitih ko masak sokmo hehehehehe

  2. alhamdulillah rezeki tak pernah putus, berkat doa Mar, salam peluk cium kat bonda ye...
